Callie is WAY into building forts! Everything has fort potential & she gets super frustrated & upset when her younger brother destroys her hard work.
My cousin, Chris, his wife, Renee, & their daughter, Jayda, visited my parents & us over the holiday weekend. Jayda loves shoes & was in heaven with Callie's new set of dress up shoes. Her grandma should definitely get them for her (6 pack at Sam's Club: $20, shoe-joy: priceless)!!! :)
My sisters Tara & Kayleigh came down the same weekend as Chris & Renee. Tara came on Thursday & met me at Target in Bullhead (an hour away & the closest one to my house - poor me!). She's always SOOO helpful with my children & I adore her! Don't feel bad Kayleigh - you're always super helpful also & I think you completely rock!
Jack is SOOOOOO difficult right now! He doesn't listen to a word I say whether I talk in a normal, calm voice or yell at him. When I try to talk to him about questionable behavior he makes faces. He's got a little bit of a split personality! Because half the time I just want to pull my hair out & the other half he's so stinkin' sweet! He really has the sweetest & funniest little personality, but he's sure naughty sometimes!
Although he's mastered the toilet, Jack hasn't quite mastered the putting-your-underwear-on-the-right-way thing! :) He had half a bun sticking out for a while on this afternoon. Ever since Jeremiah taught Jack to pee outside, I can't hardly get him to keep underwear on while he's in the backyard! It's ridiculous! At least he got his underwear back on this time!
My friend Tana sent me home from a girls night at her house with extra pizza dough, sauce, & pepperoni so guess what we had for dinner the next night?! The kids LOVED making the pizza themselves! They did a good job too, considering the last time we did this with english muffins most of the pepperoni was stacked in one place!
I've lived here for almost 4 years & finally in the last few months I feel like I've really got a good group of friends. I love it & I feel really fortunate! Of course one of my dearest friends, Tana (who's been a friend from about the beginning), is moving soon. I'll be really sad when she's gone! At least it's just to Vegas so we'll still visit. Tana's daughter is Corinne who is Callie's bff! :) I don't know who will be more sad, me or Callie.
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