We are very {blessed} that so much family was able to be here for Adelyn's baby blessing! It was really fun and awesome that so many of our family came from out of town to support us. After church we had a luncheon at my parents' house with our family & some of our close friends. Jeremiah smoked a brisket & a turkey for the occassion! We had beans, potato salad & freshly baked french bread, cucumber punch & great white punch to go with it, and strawberry shortcake for dessert (important details, cause you know it's all about the food!). All the kids had a great time playing outside despite the wind & cool temperature, and it was really fun passing around our precious little baby & visiting with our family & friends.
March 6, 2011
March 6, 2011
Jeremiah is a stud. He's got it all - looks, sense of humor, & mad brisket smoking skills! :) But really, I'm soooo glad (and lucky) that he knows his way around the kitchen & is a great cook. It's pretty awesome that he can take over in the middle of a recipe & he knows what he's doing. I always have pictures of him cutting/preparing food at big family gatherings! lol

My sister Kayleigh with Adelyn.

My sister Kayleigh with Adelyn.
On Monday when things were quiet and calm & I had gotten Callie off to school I went to my m/d's to visit again with my grandparents & my Aunt Lorie & cousin Annie before they had to leave. I love that I could get these pictures of each of them with Addy.

Jack the Photographer. He loves taking pictures when I'll let him. Center picture is a self-portrait! :)

Jack the Boy Who Can't Handle Disappointment. I love it! Except the times when I don't. My mom got these really cute {looking} mini Lincoln Logs from Cracker Barrel but they are very difficult to build with. Really he did great getting as far as he did.

It was such a fun weekend! It was lots of cooking & lots of decorating, but also lots of partying & tons of laughing. :) Thank you again to all our family who came to spend this eventful weekend with us. We love you so much & having you here made the weekend perfect!

It was such a fun weekend! It was lots of cooking & lots of decorating, but also lots of partying & tons of laughing. :) Thank you again to all our family who came to spend this eventful weekend with us. We love you so much & having you here made the weekend perfect!
1 talk to me:
Your decorating skills are amazing!!!! You should definitely look into making that your profession! :)
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