Ellie's 2nd birthday was Friday, the 5th & she had a great day! She had mac & cheese (her request) for lunch, pizza & chicken nuggets (the chicken nuggets also her request) for dinner, & delicious chocolate cupcakes with a cream cheese center for dessert! (seriously LOVE those cupcakes - esp w/ganache on top instead of regular frosting!) One funny thing - when Ellie blew out her candles Jeremiah was taking the pics & he used the flash. I wanted pictures without the flash so we lit the candles again & had her blow them out again. The second time she got too close & sort of burned her lips on the flames before she got them blown out! Then she was afraid & had to be coaxed into blowing them out! LOL She was fine. She loved ALL her presents! She's played with them a lot since her birthday.
Camille Week 18 (Feb 17)
2 weeks ago
4 talk to me:
She's so cute. I miss all of them, but especially her because she's the youngest. Has she been able to use the little pool from Uncle Ryan and Aunt Chelsea yet? Is it warm enough yet?
Those cupcakes look divine. Will you still be my friend if I don't know what ganache is? Whatever it is it looks yummy on top:) I can't believe she is 2 already.
I'm such a terrible aunt - I didn't even call! :(
so cute! and what yummy looking cupcakes... you are so good at kid's parties!
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