A good day was had by all. Jeremiah went prairie dog shooting in the morning, but I won't show you those pictures! :) We went to the Hualapai Mountains (a whopping 12 min drive) to enjoy the cooler weather & let the kids play at the playground in one of the rec areas. Back at home we bbqed sausages & did poppers & confetti guns. The kids watched the fireworks with Aunt Kayleigh & Grandpa/ma & we rounded out the night with a great game of Settlers, a renewed favorite! It was a good day!

Camille Week 18 (Feb 17)
1 week ago
2 talk to me:
I love the matching outfits and that red with white polka dot ribbons. So cute!
in the last two pictures, jack and Jer have the same expressions on their faces. It's pretty cute.
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