It's obvious that Callie & Jack are saying goodbye to Jeremiah here, but what's cute (mostly) is that Callie has in the last few weeks become insistent that Jeremiah gives her a hug & a kiss as well as one for everyone else before he leaves for work or school or any other thing. In fact he's doing his last-day-of-the-month home teaching right now and walked out the door without the hugs & kisses & Callie was just heartbroken! She didn't realize he'd left without doing it until after he'd closed the door. She whimpered & cried a little for about the next 10 minutes. He owes her a really big kiss & hug when he gets home (although hopefully she'll be asleep!)!
I still don't have any cute pictures of the kids in their Easter Best! Jack was sick on Easter so I didn't get him dressed up. I did however insist that he wear the dollar spot (woohoo Target!) bunny ears like his sister & suck on their giant bunny-teeth suckers. Unfortunately Jack couldn't fit his in his mouth! The sucker was like the size of a doorknob!
Callie has had to stand on the naughty spot quite a bit but it's just not working super well so I thought I'd have her put her nose on the wall. Jack thought it was a game so he stood in time out with her. It's time to rethink our punishments! Any suggestions?
Chelsea has nothing better to do at work I think than browse etsy & watch stupid youtube videos so thanks to Chels, Callie has this adorable new hat! Chelsea linked me to it one day & 5 days later it was delivered to my mailbox! I love it so much & every time Callie wears it out she gets lots of compliments!

Kenny visited over the weekend and totally spoiled Callie & Jack! He adores them & it shows! Since he'd got in late the night before, my mom came & got the kids mid-morning & took them back to her house to see "Wunka Kenny." When Kenny brought the kids home a couple hours later they were each sporting their very own milkshake from Sonic! Jack especially was in heaven & was just so funny with his chocolate shake. He didn't want to set it down and miss a moment of frosty, chocolatey goodness! He couldn't even put it down to play so instead he had to play one-handed! The boy can multi-task! (He doesn't get it from me!) Besides overloading my children with sugar, Uncle Kenny also taught Callie to give love-taps! What are brothers for?! She hasn't given us any taps yet, but I'm sure they're coming. I'm gonna love-tap him when we go to Washington this Saturday for a week-long visit! :)
In other non-photographic news, Kayleigh came & visited us, Tara got a new job in Salt Lake & moved yesterday (SAD!), & I went to the dentist & have like a thousand cavities! I'm pretty bummed! I also was supposed to have jury duty but it was cancelled so now my name was re-drawn & I have grand jury duty next month. Lucky me!
2 talk to me:
yay! a new post. and YES, that hat is darling!!! tell chelsea to browse etsy for me for a hat! and good luck with jury duty! can't wait to see ya'll in a month!
I will have you know that I actually WORK when I'm at work. I make sales and get paid good money to work, dang it. It's called multi-tasking. As the phone rings and I'm waiting for the other end to answer, I browse. I shouldn't do it as much as I do, but if i'm not doing something non-work related, I think I'd go crazy.
That hat is really cute. I think the cutest pictures are of Jack holding the milkshake. When Ryan and I have kids, we'll have to keep tabs on aunts and uncles taking them to get treats...although, i think my siblings-in-law are MUCH closer and there are twice as many of them around to spoil kids.
Anyways, Shannon, here's the link for you from the lady that makes and sells those little hats.
She's making bank on her hats, but they're soo cute. I just wish i had a little girl to put one on....
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