Callie turned 6 on July 1st. I'm sure that with every birthday she has Jeremiah & I are going to be saying to each other can you believe she's _? Can you believe we've been parents that long?
I think Callie had the best birthday a 6 year old could ask for! Grandma Darcy took her to lunch & she got to spend the rest of the afternoon with her. Grandma even took her to PetCo & got her a FISH! Callie was stoked! Grandma tried to talk her into getting a pretty male beta but Callie insisted on having a "girl fish." She named her new fish Kaelene after a new friend in her primary class. Callie got home to our house with Grandpa & Grandma just in time to have her birthday dinner. The Haws family came over too. Callie chose hamburgers for her dinner & pie for dessert. She was very particular & let me know that she wanted the frozen kind of hamburgers (patties), not the ones I make myself! lol
As far as the pie goes, I tried & tried to talk her into cake or cupcakes. The night before her birthday we had this conversation:
Me: So you still want pie for dessert?
Callie: Yes!
Me: I just can't believe you don't want a birthday cake for your birthday!
Callie: Okay Mom, I'll have a cake.
Me: Why?
Callie: Cause you want me to.
Me: I don't care if you want pie, that's fine! I just think it's really funny that you want pie for your birthday treat. That's all!
Callie: Well I've never had pie for my birthday treat before and I just want to try it out & see how it goes!
Isn't she funny? She wanted a raspberry/blueberry pie. I told her I hadn't made one before. Then she said strawberry/blueberry. Same thing. Then she said okay, one strawberry, one blueberry. I said okay. Then I had her talked into just 2 strawberry pies. Then she came up with cheesecake instead! At the point she decided on cheesecake it was almost lunchtime on her birthday & I wasn't going to be able to pull off a cheesecake in time, so Grandma took her to Walmart to check out some options. They came home with 2 Edward's cream pies & one of those variety cheesecakes. I had also made a strawberry pie. Callie was totally stoked! :) (And I have to add that I LOVE choco cheesecake & I thought Walmart's was pretty good - surprisingly)
Callie is WAY into her baby doll lately! She's had her baby for 2 1/2 years but just in the past few months has she really started playing house & mommy with her baby doll. So for her birthday almost everything she wanted was for her baby doll! We ended up getting her a REALLY cute little diaper bag that I found on etsy, a few doll outfits and even a pair of pj's for her to match her baby doll's, and a mobile for her doll crib. She was also totally spoiled by her grandparents & some of her aunts/uncles!
Callie got birthday money from her great Grandma Watkins (my dad's mom) and she couldn't wait to go shopping with it! She was especially excited because usually I just have her save it. So she kept talking about how this was the first time she was actually going to get to pick something out with her birthday money! Am I a mean mom for holding out on her all these years?
She really wanted this FurReal dog and it's normally $30. She had $17 but there was this little clearance sticker on the front of the shelf where the dogs were that said $15. Callie was beaming as we went to the register, but then started crying when the dog rang up at $30. She was SO disappointed! I explained the sticker to the cashier who sent a manager back & the manager came back & said it was $30. I had to take my cart full of paid for stuff & the kids back to the toy section with the manager and show her the little sticker. She got special permission from the toy dept manager to honor the clearance sticker (which was promptly taken down), and Callie got her dog after all! Lucky girl cause I wouldn't have paid the difference - my kids have plenty of toys! But Callie got home & didn't let the dog out of her site for a couple days.
It even shed like a real dog!!!
We had a combined birthday party with 2 friends a couple weeks later. I didn't take any pictures so hopefully someday the mom who I think did will send them my way :) We did a water party (not at my house - yay! - not that it would've been possible with all our dirt!). Jeremiah got a giant inflatable water slide from a guy at work (R&R Jumps anyone who's looking for jumphouses & stuff), and there was one of those 2 1/2' deep pools there. Between those 2 things the kids were total fish & had the best time! I was in charge of invites & food. We had pizza, fish & starfish shaped jigglers, little fruit kabobs, raspberry sherbet floats, and chips & dip. Another mom made spritzer cookies too. That same mom did the favors & pinata, and the 3rd mom was in charge of decorating, cupcakes & games. There were some challenges doing a combined party, but it all worked out & the kids (I think there were 12 party girls plus Jack & Ellie) had a blast!
See what I mean? Callie had the best birthday a 6 year old could ask for! Love you, Callie-girl!
What a cute little montage of her at the different ages. Looks like she had a awesome birthday. I love that she wanted a raspberry/ blueberry pie, what 6 year old asks for that:) Ok don't laugh at me too much but when I saw the picture of the shedding dog my first thought was... wow she is really developed for a 6 year old. It honestly took me awhile before I realized it was you :) Man that gave me a good laugh.