Monday, August 09, 2010

Family Dune Trip

Over Pioneer Day weekend (which also happens to be Jeremiah's birthday {July 24th}) we went to Coral Pink Sand Dunes near Kanab, UT with family & friends. It was hot & dirty (thank goodness for luxury camping = air conditioning & showers), but we all had a really good time!


Playing travel Kerplunk - worst travel game ever! I wish I had the receipt to take it back! lol

It wasn't very crowded so it was great. We didn't worry as much about our kids being run down by quadders. See that little black speck in the middle? That's Nixon Westbrook (he's 1). Don't worry - he was being closely watched! When he walked far enough away from camp my sisters took the Rhino out to pick him up. LOL

The birthday king!

Homemade german chocolate cake. I forgot to bring candles so I improvised :)

Jonny & Ann (recently engaged - yay!)

Part of the "fleet" at our campsite

Ellie refused to put pants back on. What do I care? We're camping & dirty anyway.

Jack kept asking me to take pictures of him being a rock star! LOL

This little boy is a pyro! He sat by the fire most of one of the days!

Is it called camping if you don't roast marshmallows?

It really was a good weekend. Thanks to everyone who went to add to the fun!


  1. that's the best diaper wedgie I've ever seen. I'm sad we missed it!

  2. hey we passed your husband he was going up the hill getting ready to turn into the sand dunes and we were headed down the hill... crazy huh? James was just telling me you guys were going up there and about 5 minutes later he says "there goes Jeremiah!"

  3. It looks so strange to me to be camping without trees and a river :) Looks like a lot of fun and dirt. Do the kids like going on the 4 wheelers?
