Monday, November 09, 2009

Halloween 2009

By the time Halloween rolled around I was burned out. Total bummer since Halloween is my favorite holiday! Besides Christmas of course. But it's right up there. No festive meals this year, no candy countdown chain, nothing extra. Next year I'll have to either buy costumes or start making them sooner because I don't want to have another bummer Halloween. Even though I started making the mermaid costume at the beginning of the month, I worked on it off & on until the week before Halloween. And then I still had to add a couple things. And I still had to make Jack's costume. Fortunately I had the sense to scrap the angel costume for Ellie before I even bought the fabric (only money on the on-sale pattern was wasted)! Instead she wore the Little Bo-Peep costume that Callie wore 4 years ago.

I love Jack's costume. To me it is just the epitome of a homemade Halloween costume. Simple & classic! Oh, & Jack insisted on being a "debil" after seeing a "pinchfork" at a store & deciding he wanted to be whatever got to carry that around!

SO MUCH WORK! Not impressive enough results for the amount of work this dang costume was! The important thing is that she LOVED IT! She put it on all week before Halloween & walked around the house.

This costume is semi-homemade. I made the pantaloons & I dyed the dress blue & put blue ribbon in the bonnet & smock, & I spray painted a junky lawn candy cane for the staff. The adorable lamb purse (not that you can tell from the pics) is one that Chelsea sent for Callie 4 1/2 years ago!


  1. suuuuuper cute, hilary!! i am so impressed with your sewing skills! wow!

  2. what fun costumes! You have such a cute family!

  3. You are AMAZING! I can't believe you got all that you did in such a short time. Don't sell yourself short...the mermaid costume was adorable! After getting home and taking a bunch of pictures at our Halloween trunk-or-treat I realized I didn't have the memory card in the camera. I was pretty bummed! And I am not motivated to get the kids back in their costumes and take more pics.

  4. You MADE Callie's costume?! That's so awesome!

    OMG, I think I am the only one in our family who can't sew.

  5. Kayleigh, I think you're right!

    Hill - soooo cute. Ryan commented that one of Callie's poses from the smile box was a bit provocative. I had to tell him she was wearing nude clothing. it was funny. And we miss you.

  6. They are sooo cute, I love the Little Bo Peep! I will have to show Camille Callie's costume, she will love it. I think our two girls would get along GREAT! By the way the video was from my camera, but my camera isn't small. It is a Lumix DMC FZ28, one of those mega zoom type cameras. It is too big for a purse, but it does take great video and pictures.
