Thursday, November 20, 2008

12 on the 12th

Wednesday, November 12th:

At church on Sunday somebody lost a ring. Jeremiah joked that the quickest way to find it would be to stick a couple of babies on the floor. Probably because no matter how picked up a floor is Ellie will find something to put in her mouth! Not saying that the floor was picked up this morning at all! But this is what Ellie does these days - stick things in her mouth.

Callie doesn't enjoy her homework so much when it's practicing her letters I don't think, but she was excited to do this homework - color the fish, cut them out & glue them to the fish bowl. Jack had got a hold of her paper before Callie started working on it & colored all the fish yellow. Callie was devastated! Thank goodness for copiers! Callie was able to start with a blank slate.

I can't remember what Jack's in time out for this time. Maybe it was coloring the fish yellow when he'd been told to leave her paper alone. Maybe it was for not getting his underwear on after going potty (and being told several times to do it). Maybe it was for torturing Ellie or Callie. The latter 2 are the most common reasons he gets put in time out.

So I made mac & cheese for lunch and it was the first time I'd "cooked" in more than a week! Sad, huh? That's the way it goes when you're doing improvements to one home & moving out of another. In this family you can't have mac & cheese without strawberry milk!

Picking Callie up from school. She loves her teacher & her classmates. When we ask her what she's learned that day she almost always says nothing or I don't know. But she likes to tell us about things that happened with friends. She also likes to sing the songs she's learning in class.

The drive to the new house, which we've been making back & forth several times a day. It's not at all conveniently located! It's 10 minutes from the old house & almost 15 to Walmart! I remember when we moved here from CA & people would complain about going to Golden Valley which is about 15 mins away & we'd roll our eyes since in CA it took 10 minutes just to go to the grocery store & about 15 to go anywhere else. But we've been here long enough now that yeah, it's a pain that we have to drive 15 minutes to Walmart! :)

How many times do I have to tell Jack (and Callie) to scoot back from the tv?! They just can't help themselves! I'm thankful anyway that my mom brought her tv/dvd combo to help keep the kids occupied while we're working.

Ellie has been a pretty good sport about all of this. She's spent quite a bit of time playing & napping in the Pack n Play over the last few days.

Today was a great day because our new appliances were delivered! Yay! Jeremiah's spent the evening working on installation & is getting ready to do the microwave. Thank goodness we don't have to do this very often!

The past few nights one of us has taken the kids home & put them in bed, but we both wanted to stay & work late tonight & the kids were tired enough that they crashed out on the floor. They are really being great for all that's going on.

So I really don't like cut in work! Mine isn't very good & then there's my mom's who's work looks completely professional. Fortunately she's done most of it in the kids' rooms. She's been the hugest help with this house! What would we do without her?

"It usually gets worse before it gets better" applies here. If you think this is bad you should have seen it yesterday morning! :)


  1. Hill it is all looking so great already! I love the color of the walls in the kids rooms. And how nice to have your new appliances. The holidays are so crazy busy but Jason and I can't wait for it to slow down so we can come check out your new place and see the kids!

  2. I'm sad I won't be able to see it until Christmas - but it's only a month away! Less than a month. We'll be there on the 23rd and it's already the 24th. Yippee!

  3. holy cow, it all looks amazing! i love the photos in the previous post with the wainscoating...i think it looks awesome no matter what height! you guys are doing so good...and the process totally sucks, i feel so bad for you!

  4. Moving into a new house is a lot of work and it is even more work when you have to do a lot of replacing, repairs, and painting. But when it is finished it will be all worth it! Keep up the good work!
