Wednesday, May 14, 2008

This is why they say to never leave your child unattended!

This is how I found Ellie after switching my laundry.

This is how I left her!

What a tricky girl! :)

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  1. That is a tad bit scary. I am always thinking oh they are too young to roll or move, but obviously you never know. My husband left Maddie sitting in a primary chair at a ward party and then left the room. I looked over and saw 10 month old Maddie just sitting there unsupervised, I was irate.

  2. she's getting cute! her face is rounding out and i love the smiles!

  3. it is so fun when they learn new things, but it also sucks. james just learned how to climb stairs. I left for a couple of minutes and when i returned he was on the fifth step. i told tom about, but when he left james to get porter up, james made it up to the third step. time for the gates i guess.
