Sunday, January 13, 2008

12 on the 12th

I saw this idea in Simple Scrapbooks & I love it! The point is to pull out your camera on ordinary days & include everyday photos in your scrapbook. So on the 12th day of every month I'm gonna take 12 pics of the things we're doing that day. At the end of the year I'll use the pics to make a simple album of our everyday life!

Saturday, January 12th

Jack wakes up like clockwork most mornings! Usually within 20 minutes of 7:00 he's climbing into bed with us asking to watch cartoons.

I've been sleeping in & skipping making breakfast for Jer on Wednesdays like I usually do, so I finally got out of bed this morning & made him a decent meal.

Callie & Jack are so good at playing together! They love playing with Callie's dollhouse.

Today is mail day. I save it up until it's a huge chore & then spend an hour standing at the counter sorting, stacking & then ripping.

Having a picnic on the floor in the kids' room since it's too chilly out for one in the yard. We eat grilled cheese, clementines, goldfish crackers, strawberry milk, and fruit snacks.

I thought Jack was playing with his pirate toys in the living room. When he came back into the bedroom with wet hands I knew exactly what was going on (since this happened a few days ago too!)!

Jack is usually in time out at least a couple times a day! He's just at a tough age!

Getting out of the house by myself for the first time all week! I went to Penney's, Maurice's, Safeway, & Smith's. We're so glad Safeway had French Toast Bread! They run out of it quickly!

We wanted Panda Express for dinner but since they just opened here in Kingman on Wednesday, the wait was insane! The drive-through was backed up to where you turn into the parking lot & the line inside was long & twisted. Since we didn't prepare anything else for dinner I hit In-N-Out on my way home from errands.

The kids only get baths 2-3 times a week since they have such dry skin. They love bath time though & are so excited to use some new bath paints (which end up not really working)!
Jeremiah prepares a lesson for YM. He's in the Stake YM Presidency & has to give part of the lesson in Ward Conferences for the next several weeks!

While Jeremiah works on his YM lesson I work on stuff for YW - besides a lesson, stuff for New Beginnings.


  1. what a GREAT idea...i might just have to copy it!

  2. Ok I love that you have picnics on the floor. You really are a great creative mom. That is a fun idea to just take pictures of the usual things that happen. I love the picture of Jack in time out, I mean it kind of puts a funny spin onto something that is so annoying. Is Callie past the whining stage, please tell me there is hope that that will one day end.
