Yesterday the kids had Mac & Cheese for lunch. I came back in the kitchen with the clippers to give Jack a haircut & Callie was talking about macaroni in her nose. I checked out both nostrils & saw no evidence of mac & cheese, but when she breathed through her nose it definitely sounded like there was something in there, and since she said she'd put a piece up her nose I definitely believed her! I stood there with a tissue to her nose trying to get her to blow hard but she just wasn't blowing hard enough. After a demonstration by yours truly she got the hang of it & gave a big blow & out flew a noodle from her nose!
We left to run errands a little bit later & her nose seemed a little snotty - almost macaroni-ish! I thought maybe some little noodle pieces had broken off. Jeremiah was home from work by the time we finished our errands so I sent the kids in with him while I grabbed a couple bags of groceries from the car. When I got in the house he & Callie were talking about macaroni & cheese because apparently she had just sneezed out two more noodles! :)
Oh, & Jack did get a haircut. Luckily a good haircut is only 2 weeks away! I'm still working on blending! (It's hard when you're dealing with a squirming 16 month-old!)
So I'm totally stoked because I finally have a new cell phone! My other one was getting so bad! My batteries wouldn't hold a charge for more than like an hour & I couldn't use my #6 at all so it was impossible for me to call any new number with a 6 or to use M, N, or O when I was sending texts, which if you text much, you can imagine how difficult it would be to not use those letters! So anyway, my new phone came yesterday - a Motokrzr KM1. Jeremiah has always thought that Motorolas were the crappiest phones, but he said maybe they've improved - he hasn't really been in-the-know for a couple of years now. Plus since it has a warranty & insurance, can I go wrong? I'm most excited that now I have speakerphone, can lock my keys, and most importantly Bluetooth! Woohoo! I actually had to go to the chiropractor a few times a couple months ago & both Jeremiah & my chiropractor got onto me for holding my phone between my ear & shoulder (which I do a LOT)! So I'm SOOO excited to have Bluetooth! I know I could have used an earpiece with a wire, but no I couldn't have! I hate them! The cord drives me nuts and I hate having just an earbud! So I got a sweet Plantronics that has the little ear hanger with it & I already love it! Technology rocks! Oh, and my phone is like a little mp3 player too. Doubt I'll use that part all that often, but cool nonetheless!
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Monday, February 12, 2007
Mamma mia, here I go again!
A few weeks ago we bought a new sheet set at Bed Bath & Beyond. Jeremiah & I didn't agree on what to buy - I wanted to go with the same set we were replacing - Wamsutta Luxury Sateen 400 thread count. Jeremiah wanted Hotel Sateen 600 thread count because it seemed softer (I didn't think so) in the store. Which is just annoying anyway that there are all these thousand-thread count sheets & stuff out there anyway. Before we bought our first luxury sheets I did a lot of research (who researches sheets you ask?). Several articles said that there aren't really any thread counts higher than 4- or 500, but for marketing, manufacturers will count the threads in creative ways to say the count is higher than what it really is. So now that you have a mini education on thread count, I'll tell you that I let Jeremiah choose the sheets & we came home with the 600 tc. And 2 weeks later he heard "I told you so" when we decided they reminded us of sandpaper. We were in Vegas again on Saturday so I took the sheets back to Bed Bath & Beyond and exchanged them for the ones I thought we should have got in the first place.
Jeremiah endured 2 1/2 hours of Mamma Mia! for me on Saturday night at the Mandalay Bay Theatre (what a guy). I had a hard time enjoying the show at first because I was worried about what he must be thinking & feeling bad for him, but once I got over it I mostly enjoyed it. I wouldn't say that I'd recommend it though unless you're huge into Broadway because shows like that are expensive so even at half price I wasn't totally thrilled we'd spent the money. If you're unfamiliar with Mamma Mia! one of the main draws is that it features tons of ABBA music. Since we're not from the ABBA generation we weren't familiar with a lot of the songs, but we did end up singing Dancing Queen for about the next 36 hours! At the end of the show the cast came back out & performed 3 songs. I haven't been to a concert before, and haven't ever wanted to go because the idea of everyone standing around dancing & singing along sounds kind of silly to me and this little post-concert only confirmed my suspicions! A couple rows away I noticed an old man who looked like Mr. Rogers just standing stiff with his hands in his pockets. But two guys over from him was this probably 50-something year old man very enthusiastically swaying back & forth and clapping his hands. It was entertaining.
When I was wiping off Callie's ketchup-coated mouth after lunch she said, "I'm gonna get a lil' bit firse-rated (frustrated)!" She'd said it about something the other day too. Where does she come up with this stuff?!
Jeremiah endured 2 1/2 hours of Mamma Mia! for me on Saturday night at the Mandalay Bay Theatre (what a guy). I had a hard time enjoying the show at first because I was worried about what he must be thinking & feeling bad for him, but once I got over it I mostly enjoyed it. I wouldn't say that I'd recommend it though unless you're huge into Broadway because shows like that are expensive so even at half price I wasn't totally thrilled we'd spent the money. If you're unfamiliar with Mamma Mia! one of the main draws is that it features tons of ABBA music. Since we're not from the ABBA generation we weren't familiar with a lot of the songs, but we did end up singing Dancing Queen for about the next 36 hours! At the end of the show the cast came back out & performed 3 songs. I haven't been to a concert before, and haven't ever wanted to go because the idea of everyone standing around dancing & singing along sounds kind of silly to me and this little post-concert only confirmed my suspicions! A couple rows away I noticed an old man who looked like Mr. Rogers just standing stiff with his hands in his pockets. But two guys over from him was this probably 50-something year old man very enthusiastically swaying back & forth and clapping his hands. It was entertaining.
When I was wiping off Callie's ketchup-coated mouth after lunch she said, "I'm gonna get a lil' bit firse-rated (frustrated)!" She'd said it about something the other day too. Where does she come up with this stuff?!
Monday, February 05, 2007
That would be Callie. We're trying out using "the naughty spot/place" when she's in trouble since she laughs at spankings & enjoys having her nose in the corner. She stands on her little mat for 2 minutes until she hears the "beep beep" of the little kitchen timer. So a few days ago she's put on the naughty spot & about 30 seconds later she loudly says "beep beep! beep beep! beep beep!" No response from me. "Mom! You hear that? Beep beep! Beep beep! Beep beep!" Oh my gosh! A couple days ago I was trying to get her to come to me so I could get her dressed & she was just not coming so as she walked by I grabbed her arm, apparently hurting her. She immediately started sobbing & before I could say anything she shouted through the tears, "SAY SORRY!" When I asked if she was okay instead of saying sorry she repeated again, but not shouting this time, just sobbing, "Mom! Say sorry!" Okay, I'm sorry! She's sooooooo 2! Another day she picked up a little bag with her stuff in it & said, "Bye Mom, I wuv you! I'm going shopping to WalMart!" as she blew me a kiss & strutted away on her little pink plastic dress-up shoes. Oh, & Sunday morning when she first saw me ready for church she said, "Mom! You look weawy (really) cute! Your dress! Your shoes! Your nega-less (neckless). You look weawy cute!" Sooooo girly!
Jack on the other hand is just as sweet & polite as can be, saying & signing thank you, saying "toot toot" when he toots!, and saying and signing pees (please). He's adorable! Poor boy has been working on getting some teeth in for about 3 weeks now and there's no end in sight! He's fairly grumpy at times, but when he's not grumpy he's just plain adorable! Oh, & he loves putting on hats or other head pieces & checking himself out in the mirror - he gets a total kick out of it!